It's already been 18 days, and it's time to make some considerations.

For those who don't know what pegdroid is, it's a simple peg solitaire for android. I released it 18 days ago, it's free and it's basically ad-supported (but I don't get much from that).

I integrated google analytics in my app, so I can get some help from the statistics I get every day. In the meanwhile, the market dashboard got updated and I also can see which kind of device are the most popular.

At the moment, it was downloaded 1022 times (android developer console), and something like 7000 boards were played. Don't know why, but it looks like it's quite popular in minneapolis :-) .

First, there was a huge (or so) number of accesses and downloads the first day (like 350 downloads), and then the number of downloads dropped considerably, as well as the number of accesses, that went from a considerable 1800, to an average of 300 accesses per day. I tried to tweet some news about the game, but I didn't experience any noticeable effect.

I then released the first update, because some users said it would have been better to have the score expressed in terms of remaing pegs, than in terms of pegs already eaten.

With the second update I implemented the undo of the last move, which was a widely requested feature, and I fixed a sporadic crash some anonymous guy reported me. With this update (and not with the previous update) I had a spike in the download and access number, as you can see in the picture.

I am really curious on what drives the download number, at the moment I can only say that updates have a positive effect. The next move is to integrate some kind of social gaming platform (I am still evaluating)..

In any case, if you haven't downloaded pegdroid yet, here you can find the link to the market:


Ti lascio un piccolo commento per ringraziarti del fantastico lavoro che hai fatto con GeoTagger per android, sono un fotoamatore e apprezzo molto di poter usare le funzioni di iphoto senza dover comprare un costosissimo gps per la mia fotocamera!
Darò volentieri uno sguardo a pegdroid visto che ogni tanto giochicchio con il telefono.

Ok basta sproloqui, grazie ancora!