Apart from some rest, and reading some good books (like excellent Kent Beck's Test Driven development by example, and "growing object-oriented software guided by tests"), I have been working on a new app in the last month or so.

A week end locked at home because my gf was ill, was a good excuse to start a deep programming session. The app I am about to release (well, to be honest it still lacks all the nice ui parts, it just look like a bunch of grey buttons thrown on the screen) solves (or at least tries to simplify) a problem I have every time I need to cook pasta.

Basically, if you need to cook some pasta (but this applies to every other boxed product), you need to put it in the boiling water and then look for the boiling time on the box, and set the timer with minutes and seconds on your phone.

With my app you simply point the camera to the barcode of the box, and it automatically start a countdown for the right amount of time. Of course some data entry is needed, and if the barcode is not in the internal storage, the user will be asked to fill the name of the pasta and the correct boiling time.

So, it's a simplified timer for android, which should make easier and faster the countdown setting process.

I really hope to release it soon, if you are interested and you want to be notified when I will release it, just throw me an email at fedepaol gmail.com